GTC Pradas Resort
General Terms & Conditions & Cancellation Deadlines
GTC incl. cancellation conditions (PDF)
Unless different cancellation conditions are stated and confirmed as part of your booking (e.g. non-refundable bookings, bookings with credit card payment, bookings via third-party portals), the following deadlines and cancellation fees apply:
- up to 31 days before the start of the holiday CHF 50.-
- 30 - 16 days before departure 50% of the booking amount
- 15 - 3 days before the start of the holiday 80% of the booking sum
- 2 days before the start of the holiday as well as no-shows without cancellation 100% of the booking sum
Cancellations and changes to an existing booking should always be made in writing (by e-mail or post). We recommend that you take out travel insurance that covers the costs in the event of illness: e.g. ETI-Schutzbrief